Castillo de Xátiva

Another stiflingly hot day, so rather than head to a crowded beach, I decided to use my train pass and go to the nearby town of Xátiva, with its very impressive castle with great views of the surrounding countryside. I thought that it would be cooler there but I should have checked the forecast first as it was actually a few degrees warmer!
The last time we visited the town Mr P and I were very impressed by it and we climbed up to the castle (quite the hike) but it was considerably cooler then, so this time I took the shuttle bus. After visiting the castle and exploring the town, I’d planned to have lunch in Xátiva. However because today was Mother’s Day in Spain, all the decent restaurants were either booked up or charging more than normal. So I settled for a couple of tapas (one of them was free with my drink). It was so hot in the town that I wished I’d opted for the menu on the castle esplanade with great views and a lovely breeze!
Once I was back home and I’d cooled down, I finished off reading the Thursday Murder Club. It’s our Book Group book for May.
I enjoyed it, funny and sad but a tad far-fetched.

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