
By GracieG

Strawberry & Basil

This was the crowning glory to a most enjoyable Sunday lunch.  We had a table in the conservatory looking out over the pretty garden and with the doors thrown open there was a lovely breeze. (see extra).

After canapes, we had a tiny bowl of potato velouté split with chive oil, then monkfish with a tiny leek, Yuzu gel, champagne sauce and caviar.  The main event was roasted lamb rump, served with braised cabbage, carrot, beetroot fondant, cauliflower cheese, Jersey Royal potatoes, a Yorkshire pudding stuffed with braised lamb and a lamb jus.

This was the grand finale, a strawberry and basil delice with strawberry sorbet.  The strawberries were from our local supplier Sharringtons.

Before you wonder how on earth we managed to eat all that, I should add that the portions were tiny and it was a leisurely lunch, taking 3 hours.  We did wander around Morston Quay and then Cley East Bank afterwards to see if could spot any birds.  We saw a pair of Shelduck, some Oystercatchers, redshank (fighting) and surprisingly we still have Brent Geese.  They have normally migrated North to breed by this time.
I didn't add any bird photos as they were all against a backround of low-tide Morston mud so rather unattractive.

I shan't be eating anything else today, that's for sure!

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