Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH


A bright and sunny morning.  It was time to move on so we caught the train down to Brig where we will spend the next couple of nights.  Brig is a very nice small town with an old centre and mediaeval castle, but a lot less 'touristy' than some of the other places we have been.  After checking into our hotel we set off and had a walk around town for a couple of hours finishing with a drink in the main square where I took this shot.

A couple of extras added; this advert for a cake didn't really appeal at first but I've looked it up since and it sounds rather good.  It apparently dates back to a local cholera epidemic in 1830 when people were afraid to leave their houses so used up whatever they had to eat.  It's not actually a cake but a pie, containing potatoes, vegetables, fruits, cheese and bacon!  Another extra of the window of a local hairdressers; I rather liked the old fashioned heads in the window.

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