
By soozsnapz

What a lovely life

Cats, provided they have a kind owner, have a great life I think. She especially likes it when I’m outside gardening. A whole world of opportunities for getting in the way: lying on my kneeling mat before I get to it, digging where I’m digging. And simply lying around - in sun or shade, whichever feels more comfortable.
Also I’ve put in the extras two collages of the wildflowers my friend F and I found on Tuesday along about a quarter of a mile of footpath beside the river, just below where I live. And here are the lists of what is in the collages.

Collage 1

Dog rose
Turkish wartycabbage
Hemlock water-dropwort
White top
Spotted medick
Black medic

Collage 2

Soft brome
Garlic mustard
Hedge mustard
Biting stonecrop
Dove’s foot cranesbill
Vipers bugloss
White stonecrop
Hemp agrimony

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