Choose Joy

By Energia

There was a treasure hunt

This was not the path. I saw multiple children go down this path and none came back with treasure. Their mothers all told them this was not the path to treasure but they all insisted on taking it. 

Lesson there.

I tested negative!!! I suspected I would not test negative for weeks but I did! If there is only one line on the Covid test is it lonely? 

Karen’s mom said she is getting better. 

After I tested negative I decided to go to a lake and walk around and take pictures. There was a family treasure hunt. I have no idea what the treasure was but I think it was cool they do that. There must be many children in that family.

Tomorrow is the grand opening of the show in the new venue. I’ve been no help at all because I’ve been out of the country so much and then came back with Covid. Good thing the reverend is committed. The model for my favorite picture will be coming up from Roanoke. My Formal Youth Advisor and his mom will be there. 

Tonight’s news is from reputable sources like the Daily Star and the New York Post so take all of it with a grain of salt. 

October 2022 Ukrainians came up with a response to Putin threatening nuclear war. If he did it, they would hold an orgy. More than 15,000 people have signed up for "Orgy on Shchekavystsa: Official."  "It's the opposite of despair. Even in the worst-case scenario, people will look for something good. That's the mega-optimism of Ukrainians." An air raid siren prompted one eager member of the orgy group to post: "Is it time?" Hundreds responded with smiley-face emojis. Similar groups popped up elsewhere in Ukraine.

“It's an attempt to show that the more they try to scare us, the more we will transform it into something else.”

“ Humor helps. It's a response to the Russian threat.”

Kinky sex parties took off in Russia. Putin was going to restore order and crack down on whatever. Well apparently even his goddaughter was part of one of them. People are protesting his crack down. 

A Ukrainian model posed topless in Moscow. She offended religious leaders but was not taken into custody and now she is out of the country. The Daily Star article didn’t explain why she did this. 

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