
By jennym999

We did it!

FordRideLondon today. 7.30 train to Waterloo then to Westminster Bridge and the Embankment for the start.
We completed the ride in 3 hours without mishap or bike problems which was good and only one shower not the thunderstorms that were forecast! We did see some accidents and people lying on the road with ambulances….no traffic involved so either it was bike collisions or they rode into bollards or something. Some of the faster cyclists were a bit of a menace overtaking on the inside etc. The ride was meant to be 30 miles but was actually 35. Interesting that all finishers of 30/60/100 mile rides all get the same medal…so I could pretend I did 60 or even 100! 

In the past I have done the 46 mile ride in Surrey and much preferred that route,  more greenery and much more interesting so I’m glad to live on the west of London . Although it was nice to be riding on roads closed to traffic a lot of the roads were very boring with no real views except skyscrapers and building sites…we went along several dual carriageways including the A12 for a bit. We did see the Millenium Dome and part of the Olympic Park at a distance. I won’t be doing it again. I’m guessing if you do the 60 or 100 mile route you go out into rural Essex. 
We are raising money for Alzheimer’s charity  and at the end we were invited by them for a drink and food in a cafe/bar in Bermondsey Street which was lovely and very welcome. 

Feeling very weary but pleased to have done it as my friends are 9 , 12 and 12 years younger!

Now at home I’m watching the women’s bike race in central London. Next year maybe I will do Freecycle London which is round the central London sites before the pro race starts…on closed roads so even good for children too. I have done this in the past too.

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