Black throated blue warbler
It is not a great photo. ISO 2500 or 3200
I forget which and the little stinker was moving from tree to tree and sunlit greenish spaces under leaves to dark dark areas. And I do not have a lot of patience and also a heavy lens. Bu this is the only set of BTBW's I have ever managed to get as they like hanging out in pretty wooded areas usually . Look them up they are much prettier than this would suggest.
The other extra is a dreadful photo of an indigo bunting , and absolutely gorgeous bird in sunlight. And a lesson in do not ever delete things on the camera wait till you get them on the big screen , because I deleted the last couple that were the ones in the best focus. Sigh .
To make up for that there is a lovely little pond side phoebe in extras also.
The numerous blackburn ian warblers chose not to appear . I guess they just wanted to complain from safe spots in the hemlocks.
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