Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Yay! It’s a liver muffin day.

A dry, warm(ish) sunny morning, but with the usual promise of rain by midday(ish), so while JR was off at the gym, Archie and I took a long(ish) walk round by the tennis courts, and - yes! - past the coffee liver muffin caravan. Actually, it's a hut - the caravan next door sells burgers and I never go there... they do really nice oat flat whites here. Can you guess from the map where the coffee coms from.

We tried a new game in the wee garden area. I crumble some muffin and chucked it out for Archie to spend a pleasant few minutes searching for them, tail wagging.

We met Elizabeth on the way home. How happy Archie was - a muffin AND an unexpected sighting of E on the same day! He stood and watched her waving back at him till she'd disappeared into the distance...

Yes, it rained steadily all afternoon. Enforced sofa time for JR, happy sofa time for me. I'd been listening to interesting podcasts on my walk (so much good stuff on Radio 4) I continued with this activity most of the afternoon. Then I listened to an ABC 'Conversations' interview with Andrew o'Hagan, talking about his new book. I was quite taken with him - and it - that I bought the Kindle version for my phone. 

JR took Archie out in the afternoon when the rain eased slightly. But more expected tomorrow...

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