Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Busy day!

An epic day of getting things done! We were both suddenly in work mode, clearing out cupboards, re-organising stuff, getting rid of stuff. Just making better use of our cupboards and lockup shed.

I took Archie round the Links, and then I sat outside with him, bringing the new anti-bark item outside too. He had barked once up at the window, the anti bark thingie lit up, and Archie left the room. I brought it outside. For the first time EVER, he was able to just hang out with us in the front garden, without barking at every person who walked by. And there were plenty of them - there was a street party to mark the gym re-opening. But NO barking. Except... when Dougal arrived, and when Marsha arrived. His friends. But otherwise it was just lovely to have him there, wandering in and out at will, standing looking out of the gate, saying nothing. 

JR went to the Commie Gym first thing, then when she came back, we got stuck in. We worked all day, with a break for coffee when Hazel arrived (no barking). JR even went to buy some compost, only to find when she came home, that she had already bought some and it was in the back seat of the car, not the obvious place like the boot. She then planted the lobelia that she bought before we had the cruise.

I then popped over to the gym. It’s just SOOOO handy, there’s no excuse not to. The pool was busy, but the gym wasn't. And it was blissful - NO MUSAK! The few people there all had their own earpods and palylists. I went and mentioned how nice it was to have the gym back open again, and even better - no muzak. I managed 20 minutes on the cross trainer (two ten minutes lots) and I can look out and see who's passing, which helps.

We watched Bettany Hughes visiting Ephesus again. There is SO much more to see there, but we did the 'Easy Ephesus' tour, which was far enough at the time.

About to watch the penultimate Succession episode - final one tomorrow. But feeling very accomplished today - still more to do, but tomorrow is busy - Archie has his eye operation, but we haven't told him. He doesn’t look too impressed by the shed interior. I should have had a ‘before’ photo.

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