
By Veronica

Le canal du midi

It was such a beautiful day today that we just had to go out for a walk after lunch. We chose an easy one along the Canal du Midi near Homps. It was so hot, 26C with barely a breath of wind, that we felt justified in lounging at a canal side cafe for a cold drink and Magnums once we arrived in Homps. All the customers except us had arrived on wheels: wheelchair, mobility scooter, electric tricycle with integrated dog basket, electric bikes, and two guys in lycra using pedal power. And all except two were speaking English, so it was certainly a culture shock from our normal village life, but it was pleasant sitting there people watching.

Back home this evening, we ordered a pizza and joined the undisciplined crowd outside the community bar (extra). "Ca sent l'été !" said J-C. He's not wrong!

And earlier I made an apricot frangipane tart with most of the remaining apricots (extra 2). Very pleased with it - the recipe sounds like a faff, but I'd thought ahead and got some sweet pastry out of the freezer, so it was only a matter of blind-baking, whizzing up some frangipane, poaching the apricots, and assembling. It was delicious!

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