
By Teasel


Back to work for me today, and it was a beautiful morning,.  I dressed for summer, and really should have known that that was not a great decision.  It was freezing in the office.  The heating was not on.  A colleague who often here’s my moans about being cold, agreed with me that it was very cold.  He later found out that the heating was broken.  Anyway, I was pleased that I had inadvertently left a cardigan in the office last week, as it came in very useful.  However it didn’t help my legs and feet, which were frozen.  I was kept busy, so that kind of took my mind off the cold.
Freezing office
The beautiful morning didn’t last long, as the rain came on and I think was pretty much on for the rest of the day.  I popped out in the rain at  lunchtime to pick up  a sandwich and rather ironically to look for a pair of sandals.  I didn’t see the pair I was looking for, not that I need them in this weather.
After a busy afternoon, I caught the bus home.  It was freezing, as the windows were open.  I was so pleased to get home and to put some warm clothes on.   it was brighter and milder back home, but when I headed out for some steps later on, the rain started again.  When will all  this rain stop?
These colours caught my eye when I was waiting on my bus home tonight.

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