Choose Joy

By Energia


I saw a new word today. 
Friscalating. An effect caused by the sun setting creating an optical illusion of shimmering, liquefied light. 

I had my eyes dilated again. Driving home it was as if the world had a star filter on it. 

Canine Cognitive Dysfunction. Doggie dementia. I wish I had researched it years ago and learned what supplements I could add to Samuel’s diet. 

One of the people who made dumb comments about my wearing a mask in Pretoria got sick the next week in Cape Town - and got at least one of his employees sick. Such a super spreader event. 

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken indicated that the US is considering changing its position on Ukraine using US supplied weapons inside Russia.
Russia is going to sharply raise taxes on the rich and on companies. Hopefully that will piss off the powerful.

Russia accidentally bombed its own territory nearly 40 times in 2024. Poor training and fatigue increases it. 

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