
By flavia13


A quiet day today, unintentionally.  I got set up ready to do QiGong this morning, sat there waiting with the zoom waiting room ticked in, but it never happened.  It came to 9.35 and I thought oh Mrs Gladders must have internet problems I was just wondering whether to call her when the phone went and the front door bell, both at the same time.  So I just clicked out, answered the door and phone, more or less together then once all sorted I suddenly realised that the clock in my bedroom, where I do my QiGong, was about 3 minutes fast!!!!  

Oh well never mind, I well send her an apology and explain later - what a numpty I am!!!!

Went into the garden looking for bugs (mindful not to find any of the arachnid variety) when I saw this aquilegia looking stunning so that will have to be my entry for Flower Friday instead.  With many thanks to BikerBear for hosting.  I was looking for bugs for the challenge for LetsDo52 this week.  I have a couple of fantastic ones from last year but it's supposed to be current so I can't use them.

Saddened that there really does seem to be a lack of butterflies this year - I've seen very few, in fact I can count the ones I've seen one hand for this year!!!!

I have put together a collage from our trip down The Furness Road yesterday.  The skies were magnificent  very dark dramatic clouds with some places bathed in bright sunshine and others in dark shadows.  I've tried to capture that.  It was fabulous sitting there watching all this eating delicious Lakes Ice Cream.  Hope you like the collage.

Do take care and stay safe and I will see  you all tomorrow.

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