
By LadyFindhorn


Where I wonder did the long line of big yellow suns on today’s weather app on my phone go? In the real world one struggled out at 6:30am and then another succeded to break through cloud at 11am when sunglasses were donned, but since then, the suns have done a disappearing act in my actual world although they’re still dancing across my phone screen albeit partially obscured by fluffy white clouds. With no sunshine and a chilly north wind, I have retreated inside. Second day with no rain.

A north wind of any description makes for a wavy sea at Porty and so it was this morning as Daughter #1 and I reached the beach at 6:20am. No actual swimming took place but there was much wave jumping and general jollity. With the light mornings allowing me a very early start I can get all the way home on one of only two early #45 buses which ply their trade through Porty ostensibly to pick up school children and workers who benefit from not having to change buses in Princes Street. After 7:45 the #45 only operates from the bus depot in Seafield Road.

It’s Friday again which means the TGIF drinks at Buttaburger. It’s such an enjoyable way to start the weekend even though as a bus pass carrying person the weekend is simply an extension of the week. Old habits die hard though.

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