
By nate29482

I'm Back!

Took today off work... Jogged 2 miles, went to Fry's and realized that I need to spend A LOT of time here - so much fun stuff in this store. Bought some new luggage, went to Chiara's and picked up the kitties and brought them back to my place.

This is Kikeli who started lounging quite quickly, here's the other cat Einstein, obviously not relaxing as much just yet.

Later I jogged 2 more miles (while listening to The Last Season - great audiobook by Phil Jackson) then I went out for Dawn's birthday party, ended up at pick me up's and had a chocolate milkshake - delicious.

Oh and my unraid server, everything was going well, but now I'm having some trouble w/the SAS to SATA port backplane thing - I'm really confused and can't figure out what the problem is... hmmm..

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