
By fennerpearson


We had to check out of our hotel, this morning, but they kindly agreed to look after our bags until this afternoon, which freed us up considerably.

We started our day with a final trip to The Coffee Academics, and then took a tram across to Central, passing the office where my Dad worked (first Extra). We had a mooch around the markets, including Central Market, where I bought the little models in my second Extra and we had some lunch.

There was one thing left to do, despite what I said yesterday, and that was to visit the Helena May, the ladies' club that my mum belonged to, so after lunch Wol and I walked across there. 

Even fifty years ago, it had a slightly archaic, colonial feel to it, with large fans slowly turning on the ceiling, and a handful of tables scattered around the room, serviced by linen clad waiters. At one end was an air-conditioned library, and I remember with particular fondness the 'Jennings' and 'Swallows and Amazons' series. 

Wol and I took a photo outside and then crossed the road and went through the door. We weren't allowed in but we were allowed to take some photos from the doorway. I mentioned to the chap on the door that I remembered the library at the top of the stairs and he said "No, the library is downstairs" but then his young colleague came forward and said that, yes, the library did used to be in there.

That seemed to melt the ice a bit, and the first chap looked up the members list to see if he could find Mum's name, but the records evidently didn't go back that far!

That final chore completed, we met back up with the Minx, collected our bags from the hotel*, and then the three of us took the train to the airport. Holiday over! But what a fantastic trip.

*The Burlington. Would deffo recommend!

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