Look Out

By chrisf

Ferry cross the Mersey

A morning in Liverpool. I parked at the cathedral and walked down to the waterfront via chinatown and the Baltic triangle and returned to the cathedral for lunch (the only cathedral I know where lunch can be had in the nave, quite a setting). Lit a candle.

In between I was astonished by the wild flower display on the sloping wall of Wapping Dock, another example of what happens when things are let be. In the extra vipers bugloss, yarrow and biting stonecrop.

Cunard’s new cruise liner the Queen Anne arrived early this morning, with nearly 3000 passengers and 1250 crew on board. I took a ferry for a good view. Later the ship will leave Pierhead and position in the middle of the river for the naming ceremony. Does smashing a bottle count as a sport ?

When the ferry returned to Pierhead I saw that rehearsals were taking place for the concert later on. The Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra and students from LIPA going through their dance moves (extra). They will be joined by Andrea Boccelli. The day culminates in a big firework display as the Queen Anne leaves for Cork.

The mono Monday challenge is “ Sport”. The nearest I’ve come to that today is viewing Everton’s new stadium under construction further up the dockside. At a distance on a gloomy grey day not the best of images.

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