
By KathyH58

The view from the job

We were on a job with a contractor today, the one that didn't like me showing up with my students on another one of his jobs. I think he understands now, if he wants me on a job, then he has to accept my students too.
The only thing that did not go well was getting the plants for some planters. T wanted to use some gift certificates from a local greenhouse, one that I rarely shop at, and I didn't have time to go with him to pick out the plants. I gave him a list, he brought some of them back, and claimed that the nursery didn't have the rest of them. I will pick up the rest of the plants tomorrow afternoon and go back and plant them on Thursday. I knew that it was a bad idea to let him buy the plants, but I also know which battles I can win.

This evening I had a meeting with another new client. Some of my crew is going to work on the weekend spreading some mulch for him. I started working for his son last week and he told me tonight that his daughter who lives in the same subdivision may be calling me too.  Might as well keep it in the family.

This weekend I am going to get a couple of more dahlias for one of my clients, and I will stop at his place to plant them free of charge. His wife just passed away so it will be in memory of her plus a thank you for referring a new client to me, which currently has resulted in 2 more jobs.

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