Photos in A Major

By A

It made an appearance

The sunshine that is.  A cracking wander today, the early bus from Grasmere (we know it was early as the bus was empty, as you had to pay for it!).  Then off at Wythburn, a jaunt up Hellvelyn and along the ridge picking off 6 more Wainwrights (Helvellyn (950 m) • ⛰️ Nethermost Pike (891 m) • ⛰️ High Crag (Grisedale) (884 m) • ⛰️ Dollywaggon Pike (859 m) • ⛰️ Fairfield (873 m) • ⛰️ Great Rigg (766 m) • ⛰️ Stone Arthur (504 m)) before descending to Grasmere and a pint in the Swan.  

Sun, hail, wind and rain…no snow (there was evidence though!)

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