
By KathyH58


The first Oriental poppy starting to bloom today. This one was blooming the first time I came here to look at the garden 2 years ago.

A shorter day today for the workers, not so short for me. I had to get more plants to finish the planters for Todd. Crisscrossed the city because I finished with my crew in West Bedford, then had to go to the south end of Halifax. That part wasn't so bad. I left the south end at 3 pm and it took me over an hour to get home. It should be a 20 minute drive. I'm not sure if there was an accident on one of the bridges, but it took me 20 minutes to go 2 blocks when I was heading for the bridge, and I still had another 20 blocks to go. I took a side street and was able to circle around to get to the other bridge.

When I paid for some plants at Home Depot this afternoon I told the cashier that I should get a staff discount, lol. I was walking around with some plants in a cart, when another customer picks up a plant and asks me if I know what it is. I told her it was a dianthus. She asked if it would grow on her deck for the summer. I told her it would. Then she asked if I had seen any New Guinea impatiens. I told her I thought I had seen some outside. I was headed that way, so she said she would follow me. She did ask the cashier if there were any New Guinea impatiens outside, but she didn't even know what they were. I saw some, so I called back to the woman and showed here where they were. Then another customer was looking at some palm trees growing in pots. They wondered if they had to bring them inside over the winter and what kind of light would be needed. As I was paying for my things another customer stopped and asked the cashier if they had any rose of sharon bushes, again the cashier had no idea what they were. I said I had not seen any in my walk around. I guess I must have a look that says I know about plants.

I had a girl come over to look at the room earlier this week and I had a guy come over tonight. Decision time now. I've never had a girl as a roommate. The guy does have a girlfriend, and he brought her with him. He asked if she would be able to spend the night sometimes. I said as long as they are quiet, it wouldn't be a problem. The girl came in by herself, but someone else was in the car.

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