
By HareBrain

Buttercups and Daisies

For FlowerFriday.  Thanks as ever to BikerBear ~Anni~ for hosting.

We commenced our housesitting duties this afternoon.  We had a cuppa and handover with our friend who had been doing the first week and were amazed by all her hard work of weeding the veg beds and borders, cutting the extensive lawns on the ride on mowers and attending to the 4 cats and lots of fish in the big pond. Late afternoon we took a walk down to the pond where the ducks used to be and fed the fish.  Here is Mr HB sitting amongst the Buttercups and Daisies contemplating the next jobs to do.
The birdlife here is wonderful,  just outside the kitchen window I’m  watching Nuthatches*, Blue and Great Tits with their babies, the friendly garden Robin, Goldfinches, Sparrows, Starlings, Chaffinch, Blackbirds and a magpie has just arrived, but left in a hurry.

Now off to cook dinner in the Remoska, which I’ve brought with me.

Extras:  Nuthatch and a Daisy with a visitor.

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