
By TonyG

Through the Square Window

A volunteer guarding turn today for a change.  A lot of fun it was too.  Here the loco is coming to fetch the carriages out onto the main line.  I've set the line using the frame in the blockpost.  It was not a standard start to the day though as a low loader returning another loco from overhaul had just arrived at Wharf.  As a result of the delay this caused, I had to set the road to run the loco round so the stock could be propelled into Wharf Station.  Ten minutes to load the passengers and we were off up the line.   Thankfully it was plain sailing from there and a very enjoyable trip up and down the line.

After putting  the toys back in the box - so to speak - I headed home to prepare a lasagne for my tea ... and for several more teas too.  Meg had a walk while it cooked and a quiet evening in commenced.

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