
By pandieb


My ex husband was a Firefighter and I've been in my fair share of fire stations in my life so I wasn't sure whether to go to my WI meeting this month, which was a visit to the local fire station.

I'm really glad I did. Some of it hasn't changed, the "nutty" (sweets and chocolate) locker, the terminology, the fact that the whole watch runs on cups of tea, but a lot of it has definitely moved on. The "BA" (breathing apparatus) is much lighter (but still bloomin' heavy), the tools are now all electric, the suits are lighter and more flexible and stuff is generally smaller, but better. It was also interesting to hear the lessons learned from disasters over the years and how they have influenced the way fires and rescues are managed now.

The one thing I learned was... never give a Firefighter your phone to take a group photo!  I should have known, I really should have

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