litl hikes

By litl

A chilly morning and rain was forecast in the afternoon .
I was out early to make sure of a parking space.  A walk from Rydal Church up to Rydal Cave. A few stops on the way to take photos of the reflections on Rydal Water.

Changes around the cave since my last visit (I’m sure I was there last year).  Larch trees felled due to disease and slate cairns/towers made on the flat area in front of the main cave entrance.  

Back home I tidied all the garden stuff in the store then did a bit of weeding.

By midday I was so cold I put the heating on. This time last year the decorator was here painting the outside of the house and was starting and finishing early because of the high temperatures.

I took too many photos and it was hard to choose a main. More in extras.

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