Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


Our journey to Norfolk last night was not bad, and we got here and were unpacked, showered and in bed at our usual bedtime. 

Gavin was busy working all day so I took Xena for a walk after breakfast. It was cloudy with some sunshine and rain was forecast for around lunch time, so I wanted to get out before the rain came in. We had a lovely walk along the board walk from Brancaster Staithe to Brancaster and then back again.

I left Xena at home and set off to find poppies to photograph, ideally a poppy field but there seem to be fewer of those this year. All week I had been researching locations on social media, I find most of my locations are found through Facebook groups. I had an idea of where to go but not an exact location. I found a mass of poppies growing in a strip next to a field of wheat, and I think that was the correct location but in any event it did not matter as it served my purposes. I have stored the location in what3words in case I want to return there this weekend. 

I was pleased it was not brilliant sunshine as I find red flowers (and yellow) are not easy to photograph when they are in bright sunshine - however what I did not expect was that it was extremely windy, and the poppies were blowing about madly in the wind so its a miracle I got any in focus! Far too windy for the macro lens but I managed with the 70-200mm lens.

In my absence the outdoor furniture I had ordered was delivered. After researching many different brands I found a dining set in a good brand, the same as we have at home reduced by 45% - I am very good at finding bargains! It was now lunchtime so we went to the crab shack over the road at Brancaster Staithe  to get something for lunch - Gavin got a seafood mix roll and I got the seafood mix in a tub which I can put on my GF roll.

The forecasted rain never arrived, and when we were outside taking all the packing off the outdoor furniture it was sunny and quite warm. When the sun disappeared it is very cool, certainly not summery weather.

I am about to cook dinner, Tommy, Adam and Anna will be arriving later as they all had busy work days. 

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