
By fennerpearson

Sting hazard

Despite the generally grotty weather, the greenery is flourishing, as evidenced by the rapid recovery of the lawn from being mowed and also any undomesticated foliage.

This path is part of one of my favourite runs, but like a couple of other stretches around here, the nettles are being to reach out with unwanted affection.

Not that I was running, today. The Minx and I had been to the Kendal office and she dropped me off at the top end of the path so I could get back for a six o'clock Teams meeting with school while she went to Booths. 

The meeting itself was a bit grim, even if the one issue that's been consuming so much time this last couple of months was finally resolved. But there's so much left to do.

Anyway, I swiftly moved on to watching an episode of 'For All Mankind' with Izzy (in Kyiv), which took my mind off things. 

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