
By LadyFindhorn

Pomp and Circumstance

And so it came to pass-a football massacre in Munich just as I feared. Scotland once more outclassed and out played. I couldn’t watch the match - too embarrassing and in truth I felt so sorry for all the happy kilted fans who had travelled with hope in their hearts that a miracle might occur. They must be so disappointed that their team didn’t put on a better performance. So much hype and self-aggrandising, we Scots never learn. Maybe at the end of the day the huge party the fans had in the centre of Munich was worth the travel.

And so today, a coffee in town with Daughter#1 on her way to man a gallery before I returned to watch, as an unapologetic fan of pomp, circumstance and panoply, the Trooping of the Colour in Horse Guards Parade. The colour this year was that of the Irish Guards. 
I am fascinated by the horsemanship, the marching, the precision and whole orchestrated theatre of it all. The weather was windy (Camilla had to hang on to her hat) but not too obviously wet until the the procession set off for Buckingham Palace when the heavens opened and it rained like it had never rained before. Luckily the two recovering patients were enclosed  in carriages although the King did get out for a salute to the departing troops at the Palace by which time the deluge had passed and the Red Arrows had blue sky for their  fly past.

Here it was warm enough for me to discard my  jumper. I didn’t expect that.

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