
By LadyFindhorn

A Wet Sunday

The umbrella makers must be having a bumper year and I suspect that even the snails have had enough rain to last them for a few months.. I notice there there is now no cheery post script to the weather forecasters’ daily prediction  such as -‘there is a huge high pressure system moving quickly to towards the British Isles that will bring a week or two of glorious summer weather when temperatures will be above average’. No, we listeners get no encouragement to think this  changeable wet weather might finish anytime soon. 

The gloom of our rainy surroundings as we Merry Widows convened in Söderberg for our Sunday get together was lightened by the arrival of a posse of young men in turbans and dishdashas. We discovered  they were students celebrating Eid Al- Adha, an Islamic festival in honour of the prophet Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son. It comes 2 months after Eid Al- Fitr, the  festival marking the end of Ramadan.
The lads were from Oman and I was able to tell them my granddaughter was educated there and is shortly to move back to Muscat from Sharjah to teach.
They brought a little bit of the Gulf with them  to brighten a wet Scottish Sabbath.

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