
By Stella2

The old windmill

Another very hot and sunny day. We decided to go on a shorter easier walk to the old windmill situated on a hill overlooking the harbour bay. We set off after an enjoyable breakfast it’s always a delight having a range of different foods to sample from the buffet. The Greek yoghurt and fruit salad is a favourite. So we had an early start and headed off on a fairly wide track. Unfortunately we must have been distracted by a small boat at the side of the track and missed the footpath that was marked just in front of it. We wandered into a field with olive trees and bee hives not finding the track and ended up walking past the footpath marking again. We retraced our steps and walked down a builders track heading in the right direction. We eventually made contact with a footpath heading towards the remains of the windmill. The smells of the thyme and views were lovely. I have added an extra taken from the windmill looking down to Kapsali with Hora and the Venetian castle visible on top of the hill opposite.

We decided to retrace our steps back on the correct footpath to find where we had gone wrong. We expected another footpath down to the working harbour bay but someone had put a gate across it. So we headed back down the builders road walking past the old quarantine building on the edge of the harbour. It was built by the British in 1815 to house sailors for awhile to ensure they did not carry any infections. The large gates were locked but you could see through the bars. See 2nd extra.

After a lunch and coffee we walked back to our accommodation. It’s our wedding anniversary (34years) and we celebrated with our friends having drinks and a meal at the taverna we visited the first night. We both had fish of different kinds. It was a fairly lively atmosphere, with Greek families out in various tavernas. When l say lively l don’t mean very loud and noisy as this area is very quiet it’s just that more people are out enjoying the evening. It’s so lovely here with the distant castle lit up at night and the warm perfumed evening air.

On another note it was sad to hear that Dr Michael Mosley’s body was found after he had gone missing on a walk on Symi a few days earlier.

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