By lizzie_birkett

Unbelievable News!

Frank has been misdiagnosed! Would you believe it?
The Dr came to see him this morning and said there was no cancer in the pancreas after all and what they thought were metastasis in the liver are actually cysts which are being drained just now.
I just cannot believe what they have put us all through
They had diagnosed the pancreatic cancer just from a scan, no biopsies. When the top radiographer came back from holiday he looked at the scan and said there was no cancer growth there.
I know we are all only human and mistakes do happen but we have all been in turmoil. 
Frank has been planning his own funeral! Amelia was crying in the school playground bless her, 2 holidays have been cancelled at a loss. (It’s only money:-/ )
I am very, very happy that Frank will be coming home tomorrow but I am not happy with the hospital.
They have dragged us through the mill these last 2 1/2 weeks and my head is all over the place. 
I know the NHS is under pressure and the staff in Frank’s ward are all lovely and so caring but something has gone severely wrong somewhere.
I want to thank everyone on here for the kind and supportive messages, stars and hearts over the last couple of weeks.
They really helped me to stay calm and distracted me from the upset for a while.
I am exhausted now so off to bed.
Goodnight lovely Blippers.❤️

PS the book is a birthday present from the Irish contingency, it’s beautiful. X

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