Waiting for John

I didn't have a great night. Just before I went to bed my heart went into AF. I took the medication I have for it but it didn't work. By 5am I was feeling really unwell. I called the Ambulance and they came quickly. My blood pressure was sky high also when they did their tests. Told me I needed to go to the hospital. 

The A&E was packed out and no beds. Seeing I had to be monitored they put me in the Resuscitation Room until I got a bed. 

I was told off for leaving it so long until I rang the ambulance and do it sooner if it happens again. They said they were going to give me some medication to bring the AF down. It wasn't until afterwards my Asthma got bad... I asked if they gave me Beta Blockers and yes they did. It is in my notes that I can't take them. All was okay in the end.

After a couple of hours my AF started to settle a little. That's when I got a Migraine. Could have done without that. My AF didn't settle completely and after the doctor contacted the Cardiologist.. they said it was at a safe level to go home..which is going from 50 to 120. But if it goes over 160 to go back to the hospital.  

This evening it is still going all over the place but not up over 160. Hopefully it settles over night. 

There has been some heavy showers of rain at times today and it only reached 10c 

I will not be able to catch up with your Blips for a while

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