This is the day

By wrencottage


I went to a service of thanksgiving at church this afternoon to celebrate the life of a friend of ours, Monica, who died recently after a two year battle with cancer. It was a beautiful service, and the church was full. Afterwards we all gathered in the Atrium café beside the church where refreshments were being served. It was lovely to see many old friends, and some ex-members of our church who had moved away, but who had come back to support Monica’s family. 

Just a month ago, the older one of Monica’s two sons was in the Lake District with us celebrating our eldest son’s wedding, and he and his wife, and their daughter, were happily dancing to the music after the meal, fortunately unaware of the sadness that would soon befall them.

I spotted this poppy growing by a tree in the pavement as I walked up to church, and I thought it looked lovely so I took a quick shot with my phone. It was the only photo I took all day.

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