A Day In The Life

By Irish59

Heat Wave

My weather AP shows 95F but with the humidity it feels like 113F. Today is the warmest day we’ve had in Maine in more than a decade, and tomorrow brings more of the same • We’re so grateful for our upstairs AC • Before 8am the garden and birds were watered, much to the chagrin of the kitties who wanted their breakfast first. I shared in their suffering for I had not yet made coffee :)) • I took quick sorties through the day to monitor how everything was faring. A young squirrel had dug a hole to rest his tummy in; another draped himself over the top of a granite pillar. Poor babies! Most birds kept to the woods but a few fledgling chickadees swooped in for seeds • Two chipmunks scavenged seeds and sipped fresh water from the birdbath. Here’s one of them :) • Peace & Love

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