secret garden

By freespiral

Happy Solstice

I've just had a very zen 15 minutes with this rather lovely herring gull - not a sentence you come across very often. I went up to the stone circle, a little early I must confess as the Solstice itself isn't until 9.50 tonight,  but it looks like rain. I sat in the circle and was suddenly aware that I was being looked at! This rather handsome and very chilled chap surveyed me with quiet interest, as I did him,  I thought he might be after some of the offerings which included an apple cut in half and he did indeed go down to inspect them but was more interested in the stone left inside a shell. We sat very amiably. We might nip up there later tonight. I wonder if he will still be there.
In other news, we had a swim and it was exceptionally cold! We both went rather lurid shades of pink and purple. 
Here's Iarla again:: Samhradh Samhradh  welcoming in  mid summer. 

Edit (22.05) a good idea to go early, the fog and rain have descended, not a chance of a glimmer of  a sunset!

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