Live it loud!

By Lostpixel

Stone cross

One of the few images taken at tonights club meet. This was a follow up to the two previous meeting which went through composition and then aperture/shutter speed/ISO. I spent a while with one of the new members showing how to find and isolate the image within a scene - churchyards are great for this as they are usually quite busy scenes but with lots of detail. Then on to the effects of aperture on the image. I'm sure he will be off playing with the dials on his camera now and building confidence.

This image was found by looking for the shapes to isolate the smaller cross within the rim light from the setting sun and then getting down one hands and knees to get the separation in the crosses to find the most effective composition. Hope I managed it.

Hopefully blipping will be back to something like normal over coming weeks. Fingers, toes and everything else are crossed!

Just back-blipped an image from yesterday.

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