
By tridral

Diwrnod allan yn ynys y Barri

Diwrnod allan yn ynys y Barri  ~ A day out at Barry Island

“I can never get over when you're on the beach how beautiful the sand looks and the water washes it away and straightens it up and the trees and the grass all look great. I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want to own.”
― Andy Warhol

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Oherwydd ein roedden ni wedi penderfynu mynd ar 'teithiau dydd' eleni - un y wythnos - mae rhaid i ni wneud siŵr rydyn ni'n mynd allan ac nid ildio’r syniad ein bod ni 'n cael gormod o waith i wneud.

Rhagwelwyd y byddai heddiw yn gymylog, ond yn sych, felly penderfynon ni mynd i Ynys y Barri ar ein taith dydd ac roedd yn hynod ddiddorol. Mae Ynys y Barri dim ond hanner awr i ffrwd o'r Orsaf Caerdydd Canolog felly mae'r daith yn hawdd. Roedd fel mynd i Ddinbych-y-pysgod, neu Llanusyllt heb y daith a'r gost a'r angen aros mewn fflat.

Roedd ein diwrnod yn Ynys y Barri yn adlewyrchu amseroedd yn Sir Penfro. Roedden ni wedi cael traeth tywodlyd mawr, golygfeydd hardd, a thaith cerdded ddiddorol. Gwnaethon ni archwilio'r ardal, yn cerdded i lawr bae Whitmore, i'r Hen Harbwr (gyda'i dwr gwylio), i Cold Knap, ac yn ôl try'r Parc (safle'r hen wedi'i ddymchwel Lido) i'r dre.

Roedd y Parc yn enghraifft o esgeulustod ac adferiad. Roedd y Lido wedi cael ei esgeuluso i'r pwynt lle'r oedd e'n rhaid ei ddymchwel. Ond nawr mae llyn mawr (gydag elyrch) yn ei lle. Mae'r parc yn cael seddi sy'n edrych Fictoraidd, neu o leiaf hen iawn. Rydw i'n meddwl bod y Parc yn lle da iawn i ymlacio i ffwrdd o'r prysurdeb y traeth a'r dref.

Teimlais fy mod wedi dod i adnabod, a gwerthfawrogi, yr ardal yn well iawn nag o'r blaen.

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Because we had decided to go on 'day trips' this year - one a week - we have to make sure we go out and not give in to the idea that we have too much work to do.

Today was forecast to be cloudy, but dry, so we decided to go to Barry Island on our day trip and it was fascinating. Barry Island is only half an hour by stream from Cardiff Central Station so the journey is easy. It was like going to Denbigh-y-pysgod, or Llanusyllt without the journey and the cost and the need to stay in a flat.

Our day in Barry Island mirrored times in Pembrokeshire. We had a large sandy beach, beautiful views, and an interesting walk. We explored the area, walking down Whitmore bay, to the Old Harbor (with its watchtower), to Cold Knap, and back through the Park (the site of the old demolished Lido) to the town

The Park was an example of neglect and restoration. The Lido had been neglected to the point where it had to be demolished. But now there is a large lake (with swans) in its place. The park has seats that look Victorian, or at least very old. I think the Park is a very good place to relax away from the hustle and bustle of the beach and the town.

I felt that I had come to know, and appreciate, the area much better than before.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Golygfa o'r Gysgodfan Orllewinol, Ynys y Barri, Bro Morgannwg
Description (English): View from the Western Shelter, Barry Island, Vale of Glamorgan

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