
By JanetMayes

The end of the longest day

This was the view from my balcony yesterday evening just before 21:30 and just a couple of minutes after the official time of the solstice sunset here, though the sun disappears behind the hills rather earlier. I was looking south east, but the sky from west to east was soft, marbled pink, blue and mauve. It was still quite warm, after the sunniest day for weeks, and very still and peaceful. The moon is just visible here, a bright smudge between clouds a little way above the skyline; later, it was bright and shiny between the pines in on the south side of the garden. 

Earlier in the day, I got out the new sunshade for the first time and sat on the patio, writing a birthday card and letter to a friend I miss seeing. Later, after J's PA finished for the day and I completed some fairly energetic and satisfying cleaning, I took J outside for dessert, then settled her with her communication tablet and switch, so that she could access her social media and email while I transferred her sunflowers into their large tubs - late, but done. She was pleased to find the wifi connection on the patio seems fine - this will help us to increase her exposure to fresh air for the rest of the summer! 

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