Dolly's Day

By dollydoug

A fun day

Becky and Astrid arrived at my apartment at around 10.20am. They popped inside for a bit so Becky could see what it was like. She was impressed.

Then we walked to a local park so Astrid could play. I went on the see saw with her. See Extra shot.

Then we went to B & M and Waitrose. After getting our shopping we went to the cafe in Waitrose.  Becky and I both had coffee plus slices of banana and walnut loaf.

Then we headed home stopping off at another playpark on the way.

Mike arrived home soon afterwards - he had been to collect his car from yesterday's wedding venue. ( they came home in a taxi last night)  He went on the train.  Then he worked from home until around 5pm.

Becky had a nap  during the afternoon and then she went for a run while I looked after Astrid. After Mike finished work we walked to The Woolpack pub... Blip shot was taken there. Becky had a pot of tea which came with a sweet knitted tea cosy and a beautiful cup and saucer.  There was a playground at the pub and Astrid enjoyed playing there with some other children. 

On the way home we got fish and chips.  After we had eaten our meal we watched the footie...... Holland v France. It was a good match even though the final score was 0 - 0.

Around 10.30pm Mike gave me a lift back to my apartment. 

So I've had another lovely day spending a lot of time with Becky and Astrid. The weather was warm again and very sunny. 

Stepsy 14,031

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