
By KateH

Dance to the Sun

Full on first thing in the Hernbeam household.  Ivy showed me her Dance to the Sun from baby yoga as we sat out on their roof terrace in the lovely morning light.  I couldn’t really video her because she gets so distracted by the phone.  

Went into FCC to sign off VFX.  We have now only got the (many) VFX on episode 6 to sign off. The rest are all good - which is a relief. 

Popped into Arket to buy a t shirt and then caught a lunchtime train home.  

The afternoon was lovely and I caught up on a few emails but largely popped in and out of various tasks.  Alisdair the tree surgeon came over with some literature on the anthacnose that our weeping and twisted willows are suffering from.  Trying to get rid of it seems a Herculean and expensive cost.  The native willows seem fine so maybe we should take the others down.  V against that but I am really not sure how else to proceed.  The literature seems to suggest the native willows can succumb to it as well.  

We went and picked up the mini from its MoT and then went over to a pub in Liphook, the Deer Hut, for an early dinner which was quite nice, before going to see The Bikeriders at the Living Room, our local art house cinema.  I wasn’t that taken with it despite good performances from Tom Hardy and Jodie Comer.  I couldn’t quite believe it though - it had no story and seemed a bit pointless.  Home quite late. 

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