
By tridral

Gwnïo a siopa

Gwnïo a siopa ~ Sewing and shopping

“[A bicycle is] an unparalled merger of a toy, a utilitarian vehicle, and sporting equipment. The bicycle can be used in so many ways, and approaches perfection in each use. For instance, the bicycle is the most efficient machine ever created: Converting calories into gas, a bicycle gets the equivalent of three thousand miles per gallon. A person pedalling a bike uses energy more efficiently than a gazelle or an eagle. And a triangle-framed bicycles can easily carry ten times its own weight – a capacity no automobile, airplane or bridge can match.”
― Bill Strickland

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Heddiw gorffennais i'r gwaith ar fy drwm. Roedd rhaid i mi gwnïo'r handlen ar ôl atodi'r 'dongers' (→’Awr amatur). Rydw i'n hapus bod hynny wedi'i wneud nawr. Efallai y bydd rhaid i mi wneud cynffon drwm newydd, ond dyna stori gwahanol.

Yn y prynhawn, aethon ni i Lidl ar ein beiciau. Lidl ydy'r siop rydyn ni'n mynd iddi am pethau dydyn ni ddim yn ffeindio yn y pentref. Rydyn ni'n gallu rhoi wythnos o siopa ar ein beiciau heb broblem.

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Today I finished the work on my drum. I had to sew the handle after attaching the 'dongers'. (→’Amateur hour).I'm happy that's done now. I may have to make a new drum tail, but that's a different story.

In the afternoon, we went to Lidl on our bikes. Lidl is the shop we go to for things we can't find in the village. We can put a week's shopping on our bikes without a problem.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Hypericum neu eurinllys sant
Description (English): Hypericum or St. John's Wort

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