
By TheOttawacker

Infamy, infamy, they all got it infamy

 Not too much of a day, really. Spent it working and not going out because of the heat. Ottawacker Jr. and I watched some football, which was all we could do as his practice was cancelled because of a heat warning.
In the evening, I went up to the office and saw an email from OISC, Ottawacker Jr.’s club, saying they might have to withdraw him from the roster because I hadn’t paid his fees. Soccer fees over here are insane – it cost close to $1,000 to enrol him in the summer season, and a similar amount for the winter. Nonetheless, we do it and it is money well spent. I mean, who needs to eat?
I emailed back because I remembered having paid – indeed, I remembered how I had paid. The club provided an option to split the bill in two and put on a credit card. This I had done. But apparently, the second instalment was still owing. Back and forth we went, until the secretary said “you have to make the second payment because it isn’t taken off the card automatically.”
I checked and, effectively, the payment had not gone out. But what sort of organization says you can pay for something in two gos and then doesn’t set up the second half of the payment at the same time? Almost beggars belief. No wonder the club is almost broke.
And talking of clubs, but proper ones this time, the book I edited and helped write ended up in the hands of a certain Jürgen Klopp. It was before he left, but I just got the photo recently. Never do anything for free, kids.

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