This is the day

By wrencottage

Family day

Another full-on day, starting with enjoying watching our church service online.

Smithers wasn’t feeling all that well later in the morning, so I prepared lunch while he sat quietly for a bit. Our middle son and his family joined us for lunch and when they arrived we were delighted to be presented with a contribution to the desserts. Our six- and four-year old granddaughters had been to cookery school yesterday morning and had made a lemon slice each, which turned out to be a kind of lemon cheesecake on a biscuit crumb base. They had eaten one at home, and brought the other one for us to sample. We were so impressed.

Water pistol fights then ensued in the garden after lunch, with much hilarity from the girls as they soaked their Daddy, after which the girls came indoors and took it in turn to play on Granny’s iPad and read their books for Mummy and Granny. 

Bunny was given lots of cuddles by the girls (he’s so beautifully soft) so he waved them goodbye enthusiastically when it was time to go home. In putting him on the garden bench for this shot, I realised I need to get out there with a bucket of hot soapy water and give the bench a good scrub. It’s very close to the bird feeders, so they tend to sit on it and queue up for their turn, depositing presents for me on a regular basis. However, that’s a job for another day, it’s time for a bit of a rest now.

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