The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Three little scooters

In Cheltenham. There's a cafe opposite, where the owners were drinking. 

Lovely day! Woke early, watched TV/drank tea and coffee/ate cereal in bed, got up listened to Newscast while showering etc, then quit the room with the sloping floor for Wetherspoons, where the early drinkers had already started. The sun was shining. D was already there and had decided to sit at table 57 as apparently he always sits at table 57 in any 'Spoons, so he doesn't have to remember.any other numbers. I do wonder if his house number has always been the same. 

I made a bold move to table 20 and we had some breakfast, then went our separate ways. I had a strange conversation in John Lewis. I had only gone in there for the loo and I told myself I wouldn't look at anything. But the shiny coffee machines lured me over to them. I was eyeing up a  DeLonghi at 126 pounds (the cheapest) when an assistant slid up and asked if she could help. 
'Actually I have a really good deLonghi already ' I said. 'its not a shiny as this, but it works just fine. I've had it about ten years'.
'You must  have looked after it'  she said, 'for it to last that long '
'Oh, I do look after it'
'Well, if you wanted an upgrade, you could always sell it on eBay and use the money to buy this model. It's on offer....' 

I suddenly felt very old. Is shiny black plastic so much more desirable than matte black plastic when my machine still works and makes perfectly good coffee?  I know what S would say. 'Oh, come on, Helena....' but he is 24. 

I wandered around some more, and bought a book, and two pairs of  cropped trousers in a charity shop. I'm feeling hopeful about summer, for the next week or so. 

Caught the bus home, resisting all the coffee shops, of which there are many. There was a food festival, going on in Imperial Gardens, but I resisted the hefty entrance fee. Got to Stroud, walked up the hill and spent the afternoon pottering and sleeping. We locked Indie indoors for the sake of the birds. 

Quick dash to microwave a curry before the Sotkand game, and then....that was not the end to a perfect day. I do not need to tell you. Hungary scored in the tenth and final minute of added time. The 99th minute, to be exact. The Scotland fans will be partying tonight anyway, and going home tomorrow. But you already  know this. I'm writing it down for  the sake of history. What's another four years? 

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