For the family

By RonaMac

That’s one way of doing it

After the busy day yesterday I was disturbed during the night by the sound of a helicopter flying across the field towards the house. It was low and noisy, and although I didn’t see it I’m sure it was a chinook, it has a very distinctive sound. There wasn’t time to get out of bed or check Plane Finder, I just nodded off again. 

When I woke about 8.30 there was a message from S asking if we had heard the helicopter buzzing us at 2am. It was good to know that I hadn’t imagined it!!! 

During the afternoon we went over to see R & S as I had a job to do. I’m making a new cover for Olive’s bed. It’s not an easy fit and the material keeps sliding around. I needed S to hold several ends of material simultaneously whilst I pinned it with safety pins. 

I’ve sewn, unpicked, resewn, stabbed my thumb, cursed…..repeated the process with increasing frustration!!! But the job has to be done. 

Whilst we were there B helped with the pruning in their garden. I liked the way that S maximised the quantity of cuttings that he could get in the bin.

It has been a beautiful day, warm with the occasional bit of breeze, but far too hot for Amber to have a walk at the normal time. It was 9.30 pm before the pair of us ventured round the block. 

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