
By Pinkhairedlady

Quick changeover

Our Indian guest was due to be picked up by my cousin and her husband around 12 today which I thought would give me plenty of time to turn round the bedroom by the time our friends arrived for a 2 night visit. However the best laid plans and all that proved false as there was a lot of traffic so they finally arrived just after 1.

It had been an early start to drop Phin at daycare and take my car to the garage for a service and first MOT. It was a surprisingly quick trip along the bypass and Mr PHL was right behind me to take me gone again.

We’d been forewarned that my cousin was running later than planned so I was able to get the room turned around and some sandwiches made for a quick lunch when they arrived.

We’ve enjoyed chatting in the garden with our friends this afternoon though I’ll need to head in soon and get started on the curry I’ve planned for dinner.

Apparently this is my 2000th blip so I wanted something nice to blip. This chair was made by my father in law many years ago from a kit and I love it. Needs a bit of tlc so definitely looks better in mono.

Looking forward to the MonoMonday entries.

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