
By fitzbilly

Squirrel Safari

Another summer camera club outing this evening. Billed as a 'squirrel safari' on the University of Gloucestershire Park Campus in Cheltenham.
There were indeed lots of squirrels, quite tame and used to humans as no dogs are allowed on the campus and they are regularly fed by visitors. Some of our group brought nuts. Lots of geese too.

The main blip and the first extra were my favourite shots though. Two freestyle shots for Mono Monday.

I've added a token squirrel as a second extra. They were the point of the evening after all.

Afterwards we had an enjoyable drink in a pub nearby. I'm beginning to think these summer meet ups are more fun than the regular meetings.

One year ago:
Oyez! Oyez! Oyez!
The Charter Fair is coming up again this Saturday.

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