Dolly's Day

By dollydoug


Still feeling rather worn out after my short break so Ive had a nice relaxing day.  Didn't need any shopping so I was able to to stay at home. Unpacked my suitcase, did a load of washing and a few other chores and then I sat outside in the sunshine for a while. It really felt like a summers day today.

Tino and Lily have been very " clingy " today.  They obviously missed me. So I've given both of them a lot of attention. Tino enjoyed the " Cat Ladies"  visits and I saw around 15 photos of him on their Facebook page while I was away.  Only one of Lily though - and that was taken from outside the house when she was on the windowsill.  By the time the cat lady got indoors Lily had disappeared. 

There is no theme for Mono Monday. I decided to take a shot of some ornamental grass in a pot in my garden which looked lovely against the blue sky.  I gave the whole image a blue tint.  Thanks to Pinkhairedlady for hosting.

Steps today - 3,736

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