The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Grave matters

Work is full of grave matters. For a bit of light relief, I decided to walk up through the graveyard and the big estate to a community hub. I hadn't been there since the building was a children's centre. Lunch was finished but they gave me a cup of tea, and shopping voucher for a client nearby who needed baby formula. Then I went to see the client, who was spring cleaning her house. I hope to meet her at the hub next week. It's a good place, with friendly workers. 

Came back and made some lunch for both of us, and went back to grave matters until 5.30. Writing memoirs was on Teams 6.3O to 8.30 pm. My poem went down well. Is it a poem? I don't know

Caught the end of the football (meh) and ate soup that S has made. My colleague S messaged me to say that her partner now has CoVid, as well as her. I don't seem to see my colleagues much any more. Perhaps the remaining colleague and I should get a quick lunch at another. Community centre tomorrow. 

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