The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Evening on the common with cows

Tessa and I went for curry at the Crown and Sceptre', in the garden. Then drove up for a walk on Rodborough Common. Skylarks were singing and the sun was sinking into the Severn. We are so lucky to live in this extraordinary place. 

I went to work in the cupboard this morning, then got a lift home to carry on working. It was exceptionally hot. My study does not get unbearable, thank goodness. Towards the end of the day I made a call to Mrs Angry. Of course, I didn't know she was going to be Mrs Angry, but she certainly had it in for the NHS and social prescribers! Felt quite shaken afterwards, and WhatsApped a couple of my team. They did not reply. Suddenly thoughr it would be good to be back in the surgery, with biscuits and hugs. Phoned the Wellbeing Line ( staff helpline) and got a message saying that I could leave a voicemail and they'd get back to me within two working days! 

Played some Meatloaf music instead and thought about Mindfulness. Resisted the urge to console my myself with sugar or alcohol. Eventually I began to appreciate that there was a funny side. If only I could draw cartoons.... 

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