
By carliewired

68 F/ 21 C

The end of the school
year and beginning summer
holidays for all


I was up at 3 AM emptying the dishwasher, had some granola, then a peek at the sky. I convinced myself that there was no stunning sunrise to look forward to, so I put myself back to bed for more sleep. 

At 6:30, a more sensible hour, I drove off to Tranquille for a look at the wetlands. I think the pond is shrinking back already. We have no danger of flooding now. The pasture lands didn't flood this spring so the river level must be 'normal'. 

I was delighted to see a heron land on the top of a tree. I am always surprised to see this. I look at those long, spindly legs and wonder how they can fit in and around branches. He was keeping an eye on the waterways. 

I spotted an osprey on the nest and one on a power pole. I must assume that rearing chicks is still underway. My sympathies to the one on the nest as it must get very tedious. Those wings are meant for flying, so huddled in a nest can't be too comfortable for the duration.

I got my last shot of my mountains as I looked east over the wetlands. 

I turned for home proceeding through the construction zones. I picked up my breakfast and am now in for the day. 

Our handyman is to be here for day 3 this week. It's my turn to make lunch. 

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